Stockholm Blues Fest 2025
29 May -1 June
An extra-long weekend of inspiring workshops with international blues teachers, late-night blues parties, and plenty of time for connection on and off the dance floor!
Forget about the outside world for a while…

A warm WELCOME to Swedish Swing Society’s annual Stockholm Blues Fest – 2025!
Dance nights and parties

Thursday, Friday and evenings at Tvetagården
Sunday evening afterparty in the city (Odengatan 89)
Single night tickets are available at the door for all nights.
Workshops and skillshare
Workshops & Skillshare
There will be a variety of optional workshops and skillshares. Are you interested in holding your own skills-share or workshop? We can give you the time and space to do so. Don’t have to make your mind up now, just let us know when you arrive.
Tvetagården is a family run hostel surrounded by nature south of Stockholm, short bus ride from Södertälje. The houses are surrounded by…
- A huge grassy area where you can pitch your tent and hang out have a picnic or sunbathe. When it’s mealtime, you head to…
- The dining hall, right next to a beautiful lake, and when the weather is nice, which it’s been every single year, it’s lovely to eat outside. In the same building, you can also find…
- The Sauna is open NON STOP to give you some helpful inner warmth for that night dip you might take after leaving our…
- Two dance floors where the classes and parties take place. Here you can also find…
- Our café, filled to the brim with fika and a pillow corner that seems grow larger every year.
Homepage for Tvetagården:


The hostel rooms have between 3 and 6 beds.
There will be an online spreadsheet for camp participants to organize room sharing.
We highly recommend that you bring your own bed sheets, but if you want to hire bed linen at an extra cost, we will provide details about how to pay for this option closer to the event, as it is arranged directly with the hostel.
Are you travelling from far away and want to save some space in your bag and some money? Ask our friendly locals (via the facebook event) if they can lend you a bedsheet or two.
Campers have a separate shower/toilet facility accessible all night.
This is a preliminary schedule meant to help you plan your planning and get an idea of what’s going on. Once we are at the camp, there will be only one official schedule, which you will find on physically on a very nice bit of wall.
While we expect everybody to help during the camp, a few tasks need extra attention. We are seeking volunteers in exchange for meals and access to the parties, skillshare activities and at least 50% of the classes. There will always be a responsible organiser to help out with things you don’t know, so no worries about not knowing what to do!
The hostel beds are our biggest limiting factor; we are mainly searching for volunteers willing to camp. There will be some indoor mattresses, but volunteers with tents will be prioritised. For those of you travelling from far, we will try to get tents to borrow.
During the camp, you should expect to work up to 8 hours per day. We will ensure that you can attend 50% of the classes undisturbed, but we cannot guarantee that you will be able to choose which classes you will go to.
Even if every one of you will be assigned a specific area of responsibility, we hope you are flexible and can jump in other areas if needed. It is also important that you are available during the whole camp (Thursday morning to Sunday evening). We are really sorry but we can’t have volunteers arriving late or leaving early, this would mean an unfair workload for everyone else.
Builder Hulk means starting early on Thursday and finishing Sunday evening is a must. You help with the setup and tear down of the camp. This means moving tables and chairs rearranging beds and mattrasses in the hostel, and putting up and taking down the decorations. Builders are first to come on Thursday and last to leave on Sunday but have a little more free time during the camp but ocassionally we will need your help with further changes. For example, you might also help to prepare lighter snacks between classes one of the days and will make sure rooms are ready for classes and evening parties. During the camp it is your responsibility to make sure that the toilets and other camp areas are clean.
If you are resourceful, practical,not afraid of carrying things, and moving around quite a bit, this is a great role for you!
As a Breakfast elf you need to wake up early and ensure the breakfast is prepared, served and cleaned away every day. Between classes, you will help with preparing snacks and after dinner, you participate in the set up of the evening café. YIf you don’t mind getting up early, this is the role for you!
The Café troll takes care of the café. In the evenings, you will make sure the café is properly filled, that there is coffee and so on. You get assigned one evening and are in the café the whole evening. This means you will miss one live night, but you can take all the classes! If you like responsibility, can read labels, and care about food allergies, this it the spot for you!
The kitchen hero assists the chef with the meals. You should be comfortable working in a group. You will cut, stir, carry and serve. If you know how to show up on time and are good at executing instructions quickly, this is the spot for you!
Volunteer registration for 2025 is open! If you are interested in volunteering, fill in the google form below:
Code of Conduct
Stockholm Blues retreat is a special event as we all eat, sleep, socialize and dance in the same space.
The community is a very important part of this event and we all help each other make this event enjoyable and safe for everyone. I agree to help out with the duties I sign up for.
As we all eat together I am aware that there are people with allergies and I will do my best to avoid crosscontamination of food and will follow instructions of the organizers and volunteers.
I understand that people have different needs and that anyone can need time alone. I am free to seek alone time as well.
Swedish Swing Society
Vi är en förening som brinner för allt som har att göra med swing- och bluesdans. Välkommen hem till oss. Här kan du dansa lindy hop, balboa, blues, stepp och autentisk jazz.